We are tehMovement

BagBot is an AI powered, fully autonomous and decentralized
live mentions and raiding bot for crypto communities!

Powered by tehBag BagBot is an AI powered, fully autonomous and decentralized live mentions and raiding bot for crypto communities!

BagBot uses AI to AUTOMATICALLY find viral twitter & TG posts, alert about them, raid them with the community and execute BuyBacks and burns!
All using the simple UI of a telegram bot.

All using a simple & smart AI telegram bot in your TG community!

BagBot’s features & capabilities:

Real Time Alerts

About social media mentions of your project both for tweets and TG calls.
Just like a buy bot, but for tweets and calls!

Raiding Missions

Manually and automatically create raiding missions with an AUTOMATIC execution of buyback & burns bounties, using BagBank!

Automatic Detection

Automatically detect viral posts and fud and suggest raid missions to engage with them!

Create Targets

Create a target of likes, retweets, mentions, comments and many more things to keep the community always engaged, both on twitter and TG!

Price and ROI Improvement

Maximize ROI and improve the price movement through automated buyback & burns programs designed specifically to increase the project's buying pressure and loyalty of users.

Twitter Trending

Increase the probability of your project to trend on twitter by automatically increasing the visibility of your's project hashags(#) and cashtags($) using BagBot AI.

BagBot Impact

A real impact in the crypto community and economy.

76% of the projects that used BagBot in the beta phase experienced 50-450% growth in their price starting from the first day of usage plus a significant growth of users both on TG groups and twitter pages!

Keeping the community more engaged, leading to a high increase of viewing members, posting members and online members!

Getting trending on Twitter, officially!

An increase of up to 5,000% in your twitter analytics!

Increasing the followers, views and engagement from social media.

Organic increasing followers and views from the community.

Examples of the BagBot running!

Auto Buyback & Burn


Live Mentions

Live Mentions

$BAG Token

Name: tehBag
Ticker: $BAG
Supply: 1,000,000,000
(and burning)

teh Bag

Q1 2023

• xxx
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Q2 2023

• xxx
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